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Career Summary for Huanmajong [587]
Game Type Score F K D S TK TD Eff Avg FPH Avg TTL Wins Losses Matches Hours
Onslaught 525 217 251 203 34 2 2 51.4 28.7 114.2 10 7 17 7.6
Totals 525 217 251 203 34 2 0 51.4 28.7 114.2 10 7 17 7.6

Game Type Ranking Points
Onslaught 0 0.00

Capture the Flag Events Summary
Captures Assists Kills Saves Pickups Drops Carry Time
0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0

Bombing Run and Double Domination Events Summary
Carried Tossed Assists Crticial Kills Drops Carry Time Control Point Captures
0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0

Assault & Onslaught Events Summary
Assault Objectives Power Nodes Constructed Power Nodes Destroyed Constructing Nodes Destroyed Power Cores Destroyed
0 14 19 8 4

Special Events
Category Value Category Value Category Value Category Value
First Blood 3 Head Shots 1 Roadkills 7 Carjackings 11
Double Kills 26 Multi Kills 1 Mega Kills 0 Ultra Kills 0
Monster Kills 0 Ludicrous Kills 0 Holy Shit Kills 0 Failed Transloc 0
Headhunter 0 Flak Monkey 0 Combo Whore 0 Road Rampage 0

Combos Used
Speed 0 Booster 0 Invisible 0 Berzerk 0

Weapon Specific Totals
Weapon Frags Primary Kills Secondary Kills Deaths From Deaths Holding Suicides Eff.

Weapon Accuracy Information
Weapon Fired Hits Damage Accuracy
Link Gun 5017 160 2422 3.2%
Minigun 3041 1007 3203 33.1%
Assault Rifle 875 293 1059 33.5%
Rocket Launcher 621 239 10882 38.5%
AVRiL 569 233 36124 40.9%
Shock Rifle 262 158 8855 60.3%
Flak Cannon 233 86 789 36.9%
Grenade Launcher 135 10 662 7.4%
Sniper Rifle 55 17 573 30.9%
Bio Rifle 50 0 0 0.0%
Mine Layer 48 8 831 16.7%
Redeemer 17 26 2724 152.9%
Shield Gun 17 0 0 0.0%
Lightning Gun 12 3 59 25.0%
Target Painter 5 0 0 0.0%

Vehicle and Turret Specific Totals
Vehicle/Turret Frags Primary Kills Secondary Kills Road Kills Deaths From Deaths In Suicides Eff.

Invasion Monster Totals
Monster Killed Deaths From

Suicides Totals
Type Suicides

Killing Sprees by Type
Spree Type # of Sprees Total Time (min) Total Kills
Killing Spree 10 26.1 65
Rampage 1 3.1 10
Dominating 0 0.0 0
Unstoppable 0 0.0 0
Godlike 0 0.0 0
Wicked Sick 0 0.0 0

Total Items Collected
Item Type No. Item Type No. Item Type. No.
No Item Pickups

Most Recent Matches Played
Date Match Type Map Players Minutes
Thu, May 14 2020 at 23:30:34 Onslaught ONS-MBB-Weapon_Outpost_V3 11 21.6
Thu, May 14 2020 at 23:29:45 Onslaught ONS-Apocalypse 3 0.1
Thu, May 14 2020 at 23:19:20 Onslaught ONS-IonWarsEp2 10 9.6
Thu, May 14 2020 at 22:26:34 Onslaught ONS-MassDestruction-[ECE] 16 55.8
Thu, May 14 2020 at 22:13:04 Onslaught ONS-Icarus 9 13.5
Tue, May 12 2020 at 0:34:05 Onslaught ONS-Lunar-ECE 15 106.8
Tue, May 12 2020 at 0:26:57 Onslaught ONS-Torlan[ECE] 8 6.0
Tue, May 12 2020 at 0:19:43 Onslaught ONS-{UEM}DeathCanyon 8 5.3
Mon, May 11 2020 at 23:23:40 Onslaught ONS-MassDestruction-[ECE] 12 58.5
Mon, May 11 2020 at 23:12:33 Onslaught ONS-Genesis4000-SE 8 11.0
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