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Map Stats for ONS-Dawn_2018

Unreal Tournament Map Stats
Map Name ONS-Dawn_2018 Matches 16
Map Title Back into the Dawn Score 9381
Author Version 2018 by Realpope68 Kills 2638
Last Match Sun, Dec 13 2020 at 12:18:10 Suicides 223
Game Time 9.3 hours    

Weapon Specific Totals
Weapon Frags Primary Kills Secondary Kills Deaths Holding Suicides Eff.

Vehicle and Turret Specific Totals
Vehicle/Turret Frags Primary Kills Secondary Kills Deaths In Suicides Eff.

Invasion Monster Totals
Monster Players Killed Deaths

Most Recent Matches Played
Date Match Type Server Players Minutes
Sun, Dec 13 2020 at 12:18:10 Onslaught #### destination-UT2004| [destinationunreal.c 12 10.4
Sat, Jul 25 2020 at 5:16:56 Onslaught #### destination-UT2004| [destinationunreal.c 9 12.3
Sat, May 09 2020 at 23:38:04 Onslaught #### destination-UT2004| [destinationunreal.c 9 11.8
Sun, Apr 19 2020 at 12:31:14 Onslaught #### destination-UT2004| [destinationunreal.c 11 18.7
Wed, Apr 15 2020 at 11:20:15 Onslaught #### destination-UT2004| [destinationunreal.c 15 80.5
Sun, Mar 29 2020 at 22:52:05 Onslaught #### destination-UT2004| [destinationunreal.c 11 47.5
Fri, Mar 27 2020 at 16:41:21 Onslaught #### destination-UT2004| [destinationunreal.c 8 19.6
Tue, Mar 24 2020 at 13:50:07 Onslaught #### destination-UT2004| [destinationunreal.c 10 59.3
Thu, Dec 05 2019 at 0:27:48 Onslaught #### destination-UT2004| [destinationunreal.c 10 51.3
Fri, Sep 27 2019 at 5:40:52 Onslaught #### destination-UT2004| [destinationunreal.c 12 45.4
Wed, Jul 10 2019 at 1:08:59 Onslaught #### destination-UT2004| [destinationunreal.c 8 45.9
Thu, Jun 20 2019 at 17:51:19 Onslaught #### destination-UT2004| [destinationunreal.c 10 66.6
Tue, Jun 11 2019 at 10:19:06 Onslaught #### destination-UT2004| [destinationunreal.c 8 4.3
Wed, May 01 2019 at 23:05:00 Onslaught #### destination-UT2004| [destinationunreal.c 12 46.1
Fri, Apr 19 2019 at 20:01:11 Onslaught #### destination-UT2004| [destinationunreal.c 8 6.8
Thu, Mar 21 2019 at 22:30:31 Onslaught #### destination-UT2004| [destinationunreal.c 10 30.7